Here are some questions that can help you solve some of the most common problems. If you have a particular question not listed in this page, share it with us and – if it is of general interest – we may even put it online in this section. Please send it through our contact form or by e-Mail at info@allwebconcept.com.

Depending on its objectives, each Website involves its own budget as does the corresponding marketing strategy. With respect to your specific corporate needs, we can evaluate the time, terms and budget required to achieve an overall successful Web project.

Why doesn’t my Website look exactly the same on Explorer and Netscape ?
Being created by competitive companies, these browsers do not include exactly the same technical features. This causes some slight differences in the behavior of your Website.

Can I use an autoreply system for my e-mails ?

Unless you are using a survey or some other mass mail system for clients that do expect such responses, invest your time and effort in answering them personally. Your visitors will appreciate the personal care you grant them.